Clock Tutorial
Tips & Tricks
We strongly encourage assembling the clock mechanism at home – Due to the sensitivity of the mechanisms, we would prefer you to assemble that piece at home. We are fearful that the bouncing around in your car could possibly damage the clock hands or the actual mechanism itself!
PLEASE DO NOT move the clock to the correct time by moving the hour hand and minute hand with your hands! Please adjust the time using the circle on the back on the clock mechanism.
Try not to play with the mechanism a lot – If this is touched many times it will break! Please follow our step by step instructions below on the best way to install your mechanism.
Hanging Clock - If you plan on hanging your clock on the wall, we strongly suggest using D-Rings and a wire like image below. Due to the weight of the clock, trying to use the hanging piece that come with the clock may results in the mechanism not working correctly.
1. Keep black washer & metal hanging piece out of the assembly – Leaving these out will give you the perfect amount of space for your clock shaft to fit perfectly!
**PLEASE NOTE: Some of you may have a mechanism where the metal hanging piece is actually a black plastic part built into your mechanism; you do not need to remove that because you cannot :) Clock hand sizes vary as well.
2. From the back of clock, insert shaft through the hole in clock surface so the tip of the shaft is showing on the front of your clock.
3. Place brass washer onto the shaft
4. Install Brass Hex Nut – Lightly screw down the nut to the washer. Please don’t install the hex nut too tight. If you are seeing issues with your clock hands not working appropriately please check this nut to make sure it’s not too tight!
5. Hour Hand – Peel off plastic covering and place hour hand down first and push lightly until you feel it click into place.
6. Minute Hand – Peel off plastic covering and place minute hand down and push lightly until you feel it click into place.
7. Second Hand – This is the little black round piece that you have left! Please make sure to press down hard when installing this piece. No need to slam it or anything, just a little firmer of a push to make sure it’s locked in correctly! If you are seeing issues with your clock hands not working appropriately please check this second hand to see if it’s in correctly!
8. PLEASE DO NOT adjust the clock to the correct time by moving the hour hand and minute hand with your hands!!! Please adjust the time using the circle on the back on the clock mechanism. If you try to do it using your hands and manually moving the hour and minute hand you run the risk of breaking the mechanism.
9. Install a AA Battery and you are good to go!